
Steppie is an independent artist, creator, and entrepreneur from the Los Angeles area.
Best known for her pandas, Steppie Clothing was started in 2008 as a playful creative project and has organically grown since.
After seven years in business, Steppie decided to press the pause button but knew it was more like a 'see you later' than a definite 'goodbye'. In December 2016, she opened up shop again and wrote a letter about her journey, growth, and new mission statement for the brand.
Steppie now juggles her time between growing as a creative and mastering her night time shift as a donut connoisseur at her family’s donut shop in downtown LA.
C O N T A C T _ M E :
H E L L O @ T H E S T E P P I E . C O M
V I D E O S :
A D O B E V O I C E / B T S / 3 Y E A R P A R T Y